Reporting Outcomes from the Partner Event
We encourage you to report outcomes from the partner event in the form of a short report (one or two pages minimum).
The report should contain the following elements -
Name of the Partner Event
Involved organisations / groups hosting the event
Number of participants
Main messages towards global Youth Assembly and on environmental topics
One photo of the Event (if available)
Additionally, you can submit the following (if available/possible)
a short 90 seconds - 2 minutes video message from your consultation (from the participants) about experiences, thoughts, visions, etc.
statistics of participants
total number of participants
gender breakdown
youth and non-youth breakdown
Useful links
Youth Assembly Registration Portal & Partner Event Registration: www.youthenvironment.org/yea
About UNEA5: http://environmentassembly.unenvironment.org/
Online Resources and learning materials
Engagement / learning platforms
Readings and knowledge/Related Toolkits
Latest publications (Science Naturals)
UNESCO's commitment to biodiversity (Notice Portal of UNESCO commitment to biodiversity)
Green Facts Digests (Green Facts)
Biodiversity Learning Kit (UNESCO)
Biodiversity Toolkit (World Wildlife)
Africa Environmental Education and Training Action Plan (UNEP)
11 must-watch environmental documentaries (GlobalCitizen)
For Children
Resources from UN
25 Books That Teach Kids To Care About The Environment by Huffpost
Books for environment (What We Do All Day)
Many: The Diversity of Life on Earth (Biodiversity and environmental degradation)
Zobi and the Zoox (Coral Bleaching)
Virtual Content
Coloring Pads for Children
Coloring Pages (First School)
Coloring Pages (Pinterest)
Coloring Pages (Edupics)
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